A total of 9 Gamma Minus team members attended Gamescom from August 20th through 23rd 2019 in Cologne, Germany.

It was a whirlwind event, where we were able to meet old friends, mingle with fellow developers and meet new folks. It’s an amazing atmosphere, full of positive energy, where you could cut the essence of hope and aspiration with a knife.

This year a few of us actually attended opening night hosted by journalist and presenter Geoff Keighley, which was a blast! So many great games were showcased, and the atmosphere was euphoric.

NRW Connection

Thanks to the support of Mediennetzwerk.NRW were were able to showcase our prototype at the Digital Media Region NRW Pavilion on Thursday August 24th in the Business area.

As you can imagine, floor space is at premium at Gamescom, and for a young scrappy dev studio, it wouldn’t have been possible to show off our prototype without their help.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to attend the NRW/China Connect: Games Publishing Breakfast, where we were able to meet with some top notch Chinese publishers, and pitch Cold Comfort.


We’ve been doing the circuit now for a year. We attended Gamescom back in 2018, Ludicious earlier this year, Quo Vadis, Reboot Develop Blue,German Dev Days, IndigoX  and GDC,

So, yeah, for a dinky dev studio, we’ve sure been busy!

Our main focus at these events presently is to meet with potential investors and publishers, and pitch Cold Comfort to them. We’ve probably pitched Cold Comfort over 150 times at this point, and our presentation is getting better and better!

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that NOW we finally have a viable, working network replicated multiplayer prototype, cuz the proof is in the puddin’. Previously, we would pitch it to a potential investor, and they’re like “Wow, yeah, cool pitch, but uh…. let’s see this bad boy” You can talk the talk, but you gotta walk the walk.

Our “chances” of convincing an investor or publisher have increased dramatically now that we have a working prototype. We were able to invite them to actually sit down and play the game, and believe it or not- they had fun! Talk about a vindication.

It truly is an exciting time for us. We’ve all worked so hard to get where we are, and we are ready to take it to the next level.